Android 15 Highlights: Everything you need to know about New Android Features

From UI changes to execution upgrades to protection and security includes, this is the thing you ought to be familiar with Android 15.
Android clients are hanging tight for the enormous uncover at Google I/O 2024. There’s a ton of discuss the new name and logo, which may be enlivened by space. It will be a truly interesting occasion watched by individuals everywhere.
In any case, there’s something else to Android 15 besides that. We’ll inform you regarding highlights like sharing piece of your screen and getting less warnings, which will improve utilizing your telephone even.

Android 15 leaks and confirmed features

Satellite Association

Android 15 makes it simple for you to remain associated, even where there’s no telephone signal. It allows your telephone to utilize satellite organizations, so you can in any case settle on decisions and utilize the web even in distant regions.

Better Camera Elements

With Android 15, you oversee your telephone’s camera. You can change things like brilliance and blaze settings to take better photographs and recordings. Whether you’re snapping pictures of lovely landscape or catching unique minutes, these new camera highlights assist you with making marvelous efforts.

Sharing Piece of Your Screen

With Android 15, you can now decide to share simply a piece of your screen as opposed to everything. This implies you can share explicit applications or windows without showing everything on your screen. It’s perfect for keeping your hidden stuff private while you’re offering your screen to other people, whether you’re cooperating on an undertaking or giving a show.

Notice Calm Time

Android 15 accompanies a cool component that assists you with managing such a large number of notices. It consequently lessens the quantity of warnings you get from certain applications in a steady progression, without you doing anything. This assists you with keeping on track and try not to get barraged with heaps of alarms. Android 15 makes your telephone’s warnings less diverting, so you can keep fixed on what’s significant.

Safeguarding Significant Messages

With Android 15, your telephone helps protect your confidential stuff. It realizes which messages are significant, similar to ones with passwords or codes, and stows away them from other applications. This prevents any other individual from looking at your data. It resembles having a lock on your messages, so no one but you can see them.

Safeguarding Significant Messages

Android 15 accompanies a more pleasant method for changing the volume on your telephone. It has another menu that allows you to control how boisterous or calm everything is. You might actually set different volume levels for each application. This simplifies it to get your telephone’s sound the manner in which you like it.

Bluetooth Alternate route Spring up

In Android 15, in the event that you have a lot of Bluetooth contraptions, there’s a helpful new easy route. Simply hold down on the Bluetooth button, and a spring up menu appears. It allows you rapidly to switch between various Bluetooth gadgets you’ve utilized as of late. This makes it simple to associate with the right one without digging through menus, making overseeing Bluetooth stuff a lot more straightforward on Android telephones.

Application documenting through Settings

Android 15 accompanies a cool new element that assists you with dealing with your applications and save space. With this element, you can file applications that you don’t utilize a lot. Documenting eliminates a large portion of the application’s records, making it more modest. Yet, you can definitely relax, you will not lose your significant stuff.

You can in any case get to the application from an extraordinary symbol on your home screen. Furthermore, assuming you at any point need the application once more, you can undoubtedly bring it back without losing anything. In addition, you can decide to file applications yourself or let Android 15 do it naturally founded on how frequently you use them. This assists your telephone with running smoother and recoveries space for the applications you utilize the most.

Voice initiation highlight for computerized colleagues

Adding voice enactment to advanced colleagues in Android 15 makes it a lot more straightforward for individuals to utilize their telephones. Presently, in any event, when the screen is off, you can utilize phrases like Hello Google to awaken other advanced aide applications. This implies you can converse with your telephone without contacting it, making things like sending messages or requesting data faster and more helpful. Also, it keeps your stuff hidden while as yet having the option to take care of you.

Confidential Space for stowing away applications and information

Android 15 currently has something many refer to as Confidential Space, which assists you with guarding your significant applications and information on your telephone. It works like Samsung’s Safe Organizer. With Private Space, you can stow away and lock explicit applications, so no one but you can get to them. It’s an additional method for ensuring your stuff stays private and secure, so you don’t need to stress over anybody getting into it without authorization.

Application Matches for fast sending off of parted screen application combos :
In Android 15, there’s another element called Application Coordinates that makes it simple to open two applications one next to the other with only one tap. You can save sets of applications that you frequently utilize together, making it quicker to switch between them. It’s helpful when you want to take a gander at two applications immediately or complete two things on your telephone simultaneously. Application Matches help you perform various tasks and finish things speedier.

Simple pre-set mode for further developed coherence and route

Android 15 currently has Simple Pre-set Mode, which is intended to make it more straightforward for clients to peruse and explore their telephones, particularly for the people who need greater symbols and easier screens. This mode makes symbols and text bigger, upgrades difference, and adds route buttons to assist with peopling access things all the more without any problem. Ideal for anybody needs a less difficult, more agreeable experience utilizing their cell phone

New variety contrast settings

In Android 15, there are new variety settings that let you change how things look on your telephone. You can change the difference of text, buttons, and symbols to make them more straightforward to see and peruse. This assists individuals who with requiring things to plainly stand apart more. These settings give you more command over how your telephone looks and ensure everything is not difficult to see, regardless of what application you’re utilizing.

Getting WebView into memory

Android 15 accompanies a major improvement called Getting WebView into memory. This helps applications run better and not crash so a lot. It works by keeping a piece of the Android framework, called the trichrome library, in the telephone’s memory constantly. This ensures that applications utilizing WebView, which shows web stuff, remain chugging along as expected, regardless of whether the telephone have a ton of memory. It’s truly useful for applications that utilization WebView a great deal, making perusing smoother and applications more solid.

Battery well-being rate following

Android 15 has a cool new component that assists you with monitoring your battery’s wellbeing. It shows you how much charge your battery can hold contrasted with when it was pristine. Along these lines, you can check whether your battery is getting more fragile over the long haul. With this data, you can choose if you want another battery or on the other hand in the event that you ought to change how you utilize your telephone to make the battery last longer. By giving you this data, Android 15 assists you with caring more for your battery and make your telephone last longer.

Record trustworthiness the executives

Managing PDF records on Android telephones has been a piece precarious before. As a rule, you’d require extra applications that didn’t do a lot. Yet, presently, Google is fixing that. They’re adding highlights directly into Android to make working with PDFs more straightforward. These new elements let applications do more stuff, such as opening secret key safeguarded records, adding notes, altering structures, and looking through inside documents. Google is additionally making PDFs work smoother by utilizing less telephone assets, so everything feels quicker and works better.

Screen record discovery

The Screen record location highlight in Android 15 is a major improvement for client protection and security. Presently, applications can determine whether somebody is recording the screen. This is useful for applications that arrangement with private data or do significant stuff. Engineers can involve exceptional apparatuses to conceal things in screen accounts. By informing clients as to whether somebody is recording the screen, Android 15 assists keep their hidden stuff safe and prevents with peopling from gaining admittance to delicate data.

Proactive cautions for uncertain associations

This component in Android 15 is a better approach to guard clients from potential risks. It works by watching the telephone’s cell organization to check whether somebody attempts to get to its significant ID numbers, similar to the Worldwide Portable Supporter Personality or Global Versatile Gear Character (IMEI).

In the event that the organization attempts to make an association unreliable by changing how it safeguards information, Android 15 will send a notice to caution clients. This warning enlightens clients concerning the unsafe organization movement so they can take care of business to remain safe. By focusing on client wellbeing, Android 15 makes cell phones more secure generally.


The WebViewBootstrap module in Android 15 is a major improvement in how WebView deals with the framework. This new piece of the framework assumes control over the significant occupation of making WebView work in applications. Previously, this task was finished by an alternate piece of the framework called the Android Open Source Venture.

Presently, with WebViewBootstrap, Google can refresh the center pieces of WebView straightforwardly, without requiring help from telephone creators. This implies WebView can get refreshed quicker and all the more reliably on all telephones, which makes it more secure and turns out better for applications that utilization WebView. With WebViewBootstrap, application designers can accomplish more with WebView in their applications, making them work better and smoother for clients.

Taking everything into account, Android 15 brings numerous very interesting elements that improve utilizing your telephone. It incorporates things like better satellite availability and more command over your camera. You’ll likewise find highlights like having the option to share part of your screen and overseeing warnings all the more effectively, which assists you with doing more things immediately without getting overpowered.

Android 15 additionally thinks often about your protection, with highlights like stowing away applications and information and getting touchy warnings. There are additionally elements to make your telephone more straightforward to utilize, such as coordinating applications and making things simpler to peruse with an easier mode.

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